(45.07 € + VAT)
Hand towel dispensers
Folded and rolled hand towel dispensers are mainly made of ABS plastic. We also offer products made of flexible PP (polypropylene) and unbreakable PC (polycarbonate). The use of paper hand towels is still the most popular and fastest hand drying solution in public restrooms. Compatible fillers are available from major hand towel dispenser manufacturers. There is increasing emphasis on environmental awareness among fillers. To this end, the products are made from recycled raw materials from controlled forestry.
(45.07 € + VAT)
(9.31 € + VAT)
(109.33 € + VAT)
(109.33 € + VAT)
(58.4 € + VAT)
(58.4 € + VAT)
(27.73 € + VAT)
(29.87 € + VAT)
(23.47 € + VAT)
(23.47 € + VAT)
(22.67 € + VAT)
(22.67 € + VAT)
(25.07 € + VAT)
(25.07 € + VAT)
(35.73 € + VAT)
We recommend our folded hand towel dispensers mainly for institutional use and busy washrooms. We recommend our roll paper towel holders for less busy, office, and kitchen use, where waste can be avoided. Paper hand towels contain a wet-solidifying ingredient that prevents the paper towel from disintegrating when exposed to water. Therefore, they do not fall apart when wiped. Paper towels made from such material should not be thrown into the toilet, otherwise they may cause blockages. There are new innovative hand towel papers produced with technology that break down faster when exposed to water. Their utility value is the same as that of normal paper towels. They remain together as long as a person wipes their hands and absorb moisture perfectly. We recommend these paper towels specifically for places where waste storage is not possible or where the sewer system is outdated. Examples include public transportation, airplanes, ships, and old buildings.
Folded hand towel dispensers
Among paper towels, there are cheaper 1-ply and 2- or 3-ply versions with better usability. Experience shows that cheaper is not always more economical. A larger quantity (up to 3-4 sheets) of single-ply hand towel paper may be needed to dry our hands, while half the quantity of better quality is sufficient. Among folded paper hand towels, various folding methods are used. The simplest and most common is the "V" fold, in which the paper is simply folded in half. The later interfold, also known as multifold, "Z", "W", "M" etc., were introduced mainly to save space. The latter solution requires a narrower dispenser, while the size of the hand towel sheet can be the same or larger than in the case of the "V" fold.
Rolled hand towel dispensers
In the case of roll solutions, there are external unwinding versions, such as household paper towels, hand towels used in autocut and automatic sensor hand towel dispensers and industrial wipes. These are used in factories, paint shops, etc. There are internal core dispensing types, which can be used in wall-mounted hand towel dispensers. These are the most common of the roll versions, as the dispensing system is cheap and easy to use. We offer all types, and our colleagues are happy to help you choose.