(5.46 € + VAT)
(21.85 €/liter + VAT)
Dreumex hand protection creams are available in two can be classified into a separate category. There are hand creams before and after work. Hand creams before work provide continuous protection when our hands come into contact with various irritating substances. They continuously hydrate the skin during the work process. At the end of the work, however, we remove it from our hands together with the dirt, so it is important to take care of it after the work is finished and after cleaning the hands. Hand creams after work provide an excellent solution for this.
Dreumex Universal hand creams before work protect our hands like a kind of invisible glove when they encounter various irritating and drying impurities. It can be easily applied to the hand, it is quickly absorbed and provides good grip during handling. Perfume and silicone-free, pH-neutral product. Dreumex Plus hand cream after work restores the skin and protects against damage. Both products are quickly absorbed and have a long-lasting effect. It is also available in a version that can be used in a tube and dosing system. The latter solution can be used economically.