Autocut roll hand towel dispensers


For autocut knife dispensers large storage capacity, simple operation without electricity is typical. Sheet-by-sheet feeding is made possible by a rotating cutting knife. The paper towel must be grasped by its two edges and pulled downwards with a firm movement, then the cutter rotates and cuts the paper to the set length. It can be used economically, hygienically and without waste. The loss of the filler material can be easily monitored through the inspection window.

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The autocut cutting knife dispensers are without perforation and for the specific type it can only be used properly with paper towels with suitable parameters (roll width, diameter and inner core size). For most dispensers, these values are on the same scale, so it is easier to replace and vary the fillers. There are types that can only be used with paper rolls with fixed parameters or with a unique support system (inner core). In the latter case, only a paper towel suitable for the given type, usually from the same manufacturer, will be suitable. Manual feeders with a cutting knife usually have a large capacity and the paper size can be adjusted, so they can be operated economically. The basic condition for the economical and error-free operation of autocut dispensers is the selection of the right hand towel paper and the proper operation of the device.